Our School
Our School
The Lord uniquely placed a heart for the Education Mountain within The Garden Leadership from many years back. In January of 2016, having a Garden school was birthed at our leadership meeting. It was supernatural and glorious! Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, the plans were created and The Garden Kingdom Mastery Academy was established as a 501(c)3 independent educational entity. The Garden KMA opened its doors in the Fall of 2017. KMA has embraced the Mastery Concept and individualizing education for each student.
Our Vision
To provide a private Christian school for families that will cultivate both academic and spiritual maturity in their children.
Our Mission
To empower students with mastery of intellectual, social, and spiritual skills to be free, independent, productive members of the Kingdom of God, who are fully capable of pursuing their God-given destinies.
Our Spiritual Beliefs
Click here for an overview of our beliefs.
Mastery Concept
The Garden Kingdom Mastery Academy curriculum is skills based, identifying measurable skills within each subject area to be mastered. Mastery of skills means the student knows what the skill is, when to apply it, and has demonstrated success in applying the skill. Students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning through Mastery.
Students are assessed and placed in levels within curriculum. They move up in their curriculum by mastering concepts at a high standard of 90-100% before continuing with the next step in their curricula. We provide both individual and group instruction along the way. If needed, students are allowed extra time to master each skill, retesting as many times as needed. In the same respect, students are able to move at a faster pace if mastery is evident. The high standard of achievement motivates students and provides a sense of accomplishment when mastery is reached.
KMA staff individualizes Annual Curriculum Plans, Annual Growth Roadmaps, Weekly Roadmaps, Curriculum Checklists, and 9 Week Portfolios to help students obtain Mastery.
Honor Code
I will lead a life worthy of my calling, for I have been called by God. I will always be humble and gentle. I will be patient with others, making allowance for other’s faults because of HIS love. I will make every effort to keep myself united in the Spirit, binding myself together with peace. Ephesians 4:1-2 (NLT)